Indirect System Calls
September 12th, 2023
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September 12th, 2023
Last updated
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This blog post (although considerably shorter than my previous posts) assumes extreme familiarity with WinAPI/NTAPI and you should've implemented a program that uses direct syscalls to perform shellcode/DLL injection by now. If you haven't, read the previous blog posts and get up to speed (don't worry, we'll wait for you to finish).
We've come a pretty far way in our process injection journey. Starting from the very basic WinAPI shellcode/DLL injections all the way to direct syscalls! Give yourselves a huge pat on the back for making it this far - you're also a certified nerd at this point. In this post, we'll go over what indirect syscalls are and why you'd want to use these over direct syscalls. A huge shoutout to VirtualAllocEx, aka Daniel Feichter from RedOps and his blog post on direct/indirect syscalls.
By in large, the biggest issue with using direct syscalls for our purposes of injecting something malicious into a process - whether we're injecting shellcode or a library, is the fact that our program directly invoking a syscall within itself is highly unnatural and suspicious as hell. Think about it, why would a normal-unassuming program need to issue a syscall directly unless it was up to no good? Sure, you could make a few case points in which it's actually done or sometimes needed, but those cases are few and far between. The point is that an EDR/AV, which is already on high alert, observing a program's execution go from itself to invoking a syscall (which is only typically done within ntdll.dll
) immediately is very suspicious and sure to raise a couple of alarms. Using direct syscalls, our program flow looks something like the following:
System calls are typically executed in ntdll.dll
. To have our program invoke a syscall without the syscall coming from ntdll.dll
is very suspicious and places extra/unwanted scrutiny on our program. Indirect syscalls attempt to remedy this by jumping to a syscall instruction located inside of ntdll.dll
As you can see from the picture above, this progression from our humble little program all the way to where we invoke a syscall from ntdll.dll
is a very strange path for our program to be taking indeed. If we see the image below, we can see what's typically expected for a program to trek through before it ever invokes a syscall:
See? Never once within the program is a syscall invoked directly through it, it jumps through many modules before landing inside of ntdll.dll
and then performing a syscall instruction. So, how might we go about making our program mimic this expected flow path?
To combat the issue that direct syscalls bring, the way we can make our program seem more "legitimate" and not have it stick out as much is with the following: Instead of executing a syscall instruction directly in our assembly function stubs, we can instead replace the syscall instruction with the address of a legitimate syscall elsewhere in ntdl.dll
. Observe the following images to see what I mean by this:
This is what we've been doing up to this point. We move the syscall number into the eax
register before invoking a syscall
instruction. What we want to be doing with indirect syscalls is replacing the syscall
instruction with something like the following:
You can see that when we reach the syscall instruction, where it once stood now stands a jmp qword ptr [NtOpenProcessSyscall]
. So, when the execution gets to this point, it will jump to the address of a legitimate syscall instruction within ntdll.dll
instead of us executing it directly. Hence, "indirect syscalls" since we're indirectly invoking a syscall instruction.
You don't have to set the addresses of the syscall instructions to be ones that are specifically meant for your function - for example, finding a syscall belonging to NtOpenProcess
in your NtOpenProcess
stub. Any syscall address, as long as it's valid and actually exists, will end up working.
Here's an example of indirect syscalls using the same syscall instruction address just as a proof-of-concept:
Just to drive the point home, let's set a breakpoint on the syscall
instruction when we do a typical direct syscalls example, and then compare what happens to the execution flow when we do an indirect syscalls example. Don't worry about the code for now, we'll cover how to program this out in the implementations section of the blog. For now, just observe:
If we step a single instruction forward, we'll see that our program will invoke the syscall and then go to ret
And, that's it! That's why we're calling it "direct syscalls" because we invoke a syscall instruction directly as seen above. Now, let's see what happens if we replace this syscall instruction with the address of a legitimate syscall somewhere in ntdll.dll
, we'll immediately see a difference.
Now, if we step into this we'll see something incredible. Instead of invoking the syscall instruction directly, we jump to the location of the syscall instruction located in the NtOpenProcess
stub in ntdll.dll
It's important to note that just performing indirect syscalls might not be enough either. In terms of OPSEC, we haven't done anything to our programs to make them stealthier (this includes all the previous blog posts). We haven't incorporated API Hashing, custom GetProcAddress
, etc. So, with this being said, it's important to note that we're just covering the basic principles of these attacks - OPSEC implementations are left for you to go and try.
Luckily, most of the code is freshly cooked copypasta (🍝) from our previous direct syscalls blog. The only thing we need to implement is a way to search for the address of the syscall instructions. If we recall from our dynamic SSN-seeking function:
The way we were retrieving the SSN number of a potential NTAPI function was by reading the value at the offset 0x4
in the assembly stub of said function.
We can implement the same logic behind getting the syscall number to get the address of a syscall instruction. If we look at a typical syscall stub, we'll see that the syscall instruction sits at an offset of 0x12
We can also see that a syscall instruction is comprised of the following two opcodes: 0x0f
, 0x05
. Knowing this, we can read the address at the 0x12
offset and confirm that these two opcodes are present indicating that we've landed at a valid syscall instruction/address. The finished function looks like the following:
The code works beautifully but again, I'm sure this function can be made much better. You're urged to make this more efficient and fix my ape-brained hacky code. So, go ahead, break my heart :'(
With this function created, we can now use it to populate a new variable that we'll need in order to house the address(es) of the syscall instructions:
Please note, as we've covered already, you can 100% use one (1
) syscall instruction address for all of your syscall stubs, I'm just doing it like this for the sake of completeness.
Now, in our syscalls.asm
file, we can add in the following:
After doing this, all we need to do is call our IndirectPrelude
function to populate these variables in order to get them ready for use, this is made super easy as well with our function:
After all of this, we can finally compile this and run it!
And there we have it! Indirect syscalls demystified! What we've effectively done is the following:
You can find the code from this post in the GitHub repository or in the attached files below:
Anyway, that's all for now. See ya.
with address of syscall